New article: “Protecting Cancer Survivors from Financial Discrimination Throughout the EU: A Cross-European Perspective”

Authored by Dr Françoise Meunier, the article titled “Protecting Cancer Survivors from Financial Discrimination Throughout the EU: A Cross-European Perspective,” was published in the European Journal of Cancer in July 2024.
The paper provides an overview of the discussions and poignant testimonies shared during the High-Level Conference on Ending Financial Discrimination Against Cancer Survivors held on the 15th of February 2024, in Brussels.  
The article sheds light on the profound impact of financial discrimination on cancer survivors’ lives, as well as on the moral and legal imperatives to address this form of discrimination.  It also stresses the crucial role of the cancer community’s advocacy to get legislation adopted and the need to garner strong and lasting political will and backing for legislation to effectively protect cancer survivors.  
It concludes with recommendations for advancing the right to be forgotten through national and European legislation. The text insists on the need to find inspiration and replicate legal initiatives that have proven themselves over the years. The best practices from France and Belgium should serve as the basis for expanding the right to be forgotten throughout the EU – there is no need to reinvent the wheel!  
You may access the article here:–Z9dl